Building Blocks: Stacking the JHS Morning Glory and the Nobels ODR-Mini to make a DIY Protein.

If you spend as much time on worship guitar forums and YouTube, then you’ve heard about the Browne Amplification Protein overdrive. Rugged, olive drab and built like a tank, the Protein stacks a Bluesbreaker clone and a Nobels ODR-1 clone into one dual overdrive. The Protein goes for about $350 brand new, which is not cheap, but not a huge expense considering what the Overdrives that make it up go for. The recently dropped reissue of the Marshall Bluesbreaker pedals ($249) and the ODR-1 ($120-150) can take up more room on your board than you’re willing to give, and the protein is hand-wired. Also, I’d bet that if you’ve been in the community for a while you’ve got a Bluesbreaker and ODR clone already. but the GAS is real, and a simple, one box solution will usually be the way I go.

So to get a taste of how nice this boutique pedal might play in my rig without shelling out even more eddies, I’ve been stacking the Morning Glory side of my JHS Double Barrel with the ODR-mini.